Dear DISC member,
We hope you have started the New Year 2025 in a good way!
In this edition of the DISC Newsletter you can read about upcoming events in the field of systems and control, like the yearly Benelux Conference in March (still some places available!), the DISC Summer School 2025 and the European Control Conference in Greece. But also take a look at the item ‘Events’ where you can read about other interesting workshops and courses coming up, both in the Netherlands and in Belgium.
On * 2024-2025 DISC course program – DISC
you can find the DISC courses of this academic year. You still have the chance to register for 3 of them (Model Predictive Control, Design Methods for Control Systems and Optimal Control)!
We also look a bit further into 2025 and we encourage you to hand in a proposal for the DISC Winter School. Please find more information below.
We gladly take the opportunity to congratulate Ming Cao and Jacquelien Scherpen.
Ming Cao, Professor of Networks and Robotics of ENTEG, was selected as a Distinguished Lecturer for a term of three years by the IEEE Control Systems Society. The IEEE Distinguished Lecturer program aims at serving the IEEE community by providing stimulating lectures given by distinguished professionals and scholars. Under this program, Cao will lecture about decision-making dynamics and control of mobile robots. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world’s largest technical professional organization. Its Control Systems Society with about 7.5k members in 2024 is dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of systems and control.
For her achievements in the scientific development of control systems and engineering, Rector Jacquelien Scherpen has received the 2025 Hendrik W. Bode Lecture award from the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS). The winner of this prestigious award was announced at the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control in Milan.
Scherpen receives the award for her groundbreaking contributions in the areas of non-linear balancing, model reduction and control methods based on the concept of passivity. This is particularly important for reducing the complexity of control systems, which contributes to the implementability of methodologies for smart energy systems, for example. After all, such systems tend to become increasingly complex. Scherpen is the first Dutchman to receive this award.
The Hendrik W. Bode Lecture Prize is named after Hendrik W Bode, a pioneer in the field of control theory and control systems. The prize has been awarded annually by the CSS since 1989. CSS is a society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the leading international community for engineers.
Last but not least we welcome new members in the control community. They present themselves in this Newsletter.
We look forward to meeting you during one of the upcoming events.
Best regards,
Bayu Jayawardhana, scientific director
Maaike Kraeger-Holland, office manager
There are still a few places available for the upcoming Benelux Conference on Systems and Control 2025, held from 18-20 March 2025 in the cosy seaside resort Egmond aan Zee.
The programme will be available in the course of February and registration is possible till mid February.
Please visit Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control 2025 for more information on the programme and the way of registration.
Summer School 2025 – Estimation and control with coarse information
3-6 June 2025 in NH Hotel Leeuwenhorst Noordwijkerhout (NL)
We are pleased to inform you of the possibility to join the DISC Summer School 2025, to be held from 3-6 June 2025 in Noordwijkerhout. Registration will be possible soon.
More information on the topic can be read here:
disc summer school 2025 – Newsletter
Keep an eye on the Summer School website mentioned in the information above for the exact period of registration.
Looking forward to meeting you at the DISC Summer School!
Call for proposals for DISC Winter School 2025
We are pleased to invite you to send in proposals for the DISC Winter School 2025. You can use the following template: DISC_winter_school_proposals_2025 Examples of DISC Winter Schools in the past can be found on Winter course – DISC
Thank you for sending us your proposal on 3 March 2025 at the latest to with cc to
Mid March the Board of DISC will decide which proposal will be applied for the DISC Winter School 2025.
We are looking forward to receiving your proposals!
Name: Giulia De Pasquale
Starting: 01-01-2025
Function: Assistant Professor
University and Department/Group: TU/e, Electrical Engineering/ CS group
Short introduction:
Hello everyone! My name is Giulia De Pasquale, and I am thrilled to announce that, starting in January, I have joined the Control Systems group at TU/e. My research takes an interdisciplinary approach, focusing on applications with significant societal impact. Specifically, I work on networked socio-technical systems and cyber-physical systems, with a particular emphasis on ensuring fairness in automated decision-makingsystems. To address these challenges, I draw on tools from control theory, optimization, and algebraic graph theory.
I am excited to connect with all of you and I am always open to new collaborations. Please don’t hesitate to reach out—I’d love to chat and explore our shared interests!
Name: Marin Jalšić
Starting: 6.1.2025
Function: PhD student
University and Department/Group: TU/e, CST
Supervisor: Hans Vermeulen / Claire Bourquard
Project: Dynamics of air entrapment in cooling circuits for lithographic exposure tools
Short introduction: I have recently moved in to Eindhoven from Croatia to start my PhD on active noise cancellation in waterline systems at TU/e. Previously I have worked as a simulation engineer in the Powertrain Engineering department of AVL-AST and before that as a robotics associate at INETEC. I have a master’s degree in mechanical engineering and in my free time I enjoy playing the guitar and reading.
Name: Faegheh Pish
Starting: 1-1-2025
Function: PhD
University and Department/Group: TU Delft, ME-DCSC Team Van Wingerden
Supervisor: Jan-Willem van Wingerden
Project: Cluster Wake Control
Short introduction:
Hi all, I am thrilled to join the Delft Center for Systems and Control as a PhD candidate. My academic journey began with a Bachelor’s degree in Aircraft Mechanics, followed by a Master’s in Aerospace Engineering specializing in Aerodynamics. I further expanded my expertise with a second Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s in Renewable Energy in Marine Environments.
Professionally, I have gained valuable experience through a year as a Research Assistant and seven months as a Development Engineer at DTU Wind in the Systems Engineering and Optimization section. My work there focused on wind farm wakes, where I cultivated a deep interest in the intersection of wind energy and optimization.
At TU Delft, I will be contributing to the CLUSTERWAKE project, specifically focusing on Active Cluster Wake Mixing. This innovative research aims to mitigate the impact of cluster wakes by dynamically adapting wind turbine thrust, optimizing energy efficiency in large offshore wind farms. I am excited to delve deeper into control systems and aerodynamic simulations to develop strategies that can enhance wind farm performance and sustainability.
Outside of work, I have a passion for cooking, discovering new cuisines, and unwinding with a good movie. I also love traveling to immerse myself in diverse cultures and explore vibrant cities.
In my downtime, I enjoy reading books that broaden my perspective and staying active by going to the gym.
Name: Sven Schoonebeek
Starting: 1-12-2024
Function: PhD
University and Department/Group: TU Delft, ME-DCSC Team Mazo/Cenedese
Supervisor: Dr. Carlo Cenedese/Dr. Anahita Jamsidnejad
Project: AI*MAN lab
Short introduction:
I studied physics at Leiden University and later specialized in Theoretical Physics in Amsterdam. I enjoy exploring mathematical models across various fields, from physics and biology to informatics. My research focuses on developing mathematical models for social systems, such as healthcare robots, where I aim to bring a fresh perspective through my physics background. In my spare time, I enjoy staying active, especially running. Looking forward to connecting!
Candidate: Teimour Hosseinalizadeh
University and Department/Group: SMS, RUG
Thesis title: Privacy-aware control of cyber-physical systems: Analysis and synthesis
Promotor: Prof Nima Monshizadeh, Prof Fatih Turkmen and Prof Claudio De Persis
Date: 18 February 2025
Location: Aula, Academy Building, Broerstraat 5 Groningen
Time: 9 a.m.
Candidate: Jin Chen
University and Department/Group: DTPA, RUG
Thesis title: Distributed formation control with multiple systems’ constraints: from geometry to distribution
Promotor: Prof Bayu Jayawardhana and Prof Ming Cao
Date: 17 February
Location: Aula, Academy Building, Broerstraat 5 Groningen
Time: 2.30 p.m.
Candidate: Leila Gharavi
University and Department/Group: TU Delft ME-DCSC
Thesis title: Proactive approach to safe automated driving: control of evasive maneuvers in hazardous scenarios
Promotor: B.H.K. De Schutter, S. Baldi
Date: 3-3-2025
Location: TU Delft, Aula Senaatszaal
Time: 10.00 uur
Candidate: Jean Gonzalez Silva
University and Department/Group: TU Delft ME-DCSC
Thesis title:
Promotor: R. Ferrari, J.W. van Wingerden
Date: 17-3-2025
Location: TU Delft, Aula Senaatszaal
Time: 17.30 uur
Candidate: Unai Gutierrez Santiago
University and Department/Group: TU Delft ME-DCSC
Thesis title:
Promotor: J.W. van Wingerden en H. Polinder
Date: 27-3-2025
Location: TU Delft, Aula Senaatszaal
Time: 12.30 uur
Candidate: Daniel van den Berg
University and Department/Group: TU Delft ME-DCSC
Thesis title:
Promotor: J.W. van Wingerden
Date: 4-4-2025
Location: TU Delft, Aula Senaatszaal
Time: 10.00 uur
Candidate: Vinod Bajaj
University and Department/Group: TU Delft ME-DCSC
Thesis title:
Promotor: S. Wahls, R. Van de Plas
Date: 25-4-2025
Location: TU Delft, Aula Senaatszaal
Time: 12.30 uur
The next issue of this Newsletter will appear in April 2025.
We encourage everyone involved in Systems and Control to provide newsworthy information. In principle, we intend to publish any message offered. However, we reserve the right to edit certain parts of a submission.
Please send your contributions to:
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We cordially invite you to the events of the research semester programme in Spring 2025 at CWI, Amsterdam, Netherlands: Control Theory and Reinforcement Learning: Connections and Challenges. *Spring School on Control Theory and Reinforcement Learning Dates: 17-21 (Monday-Friday) March, 2025. Click here for programme and registration. Please register before 5 March.The school will be at a preparatory PhD level, suitable for advanced Master’s and starting PhD students in these subjects. *Workshop on Themes across Control and Reinforcement LearningDates: 24 and 25 (Monday-Tuesday) March, 2025.Click here for programme and registration.Please register before 10 March. *Workshop on Theory of Control and Reinforcement Learning Poster: _____________________________________ You can now register to the following course of the Graduate School in Systems, Optimization, Control and Networks (SOCN).The course will start on April 1st, 2025 We are pleased to inform you that the EECI course “Formal Methods for Multi-Agent Feedback Control Systems” will be hosted at TU Delft (ME building) from June 2 to 6, 2025. The course will be taught by Assistant Professor Lars Lindemann (USC) and Professor Dimos V. Dimarogona The course will have a general introduction into formal methods (temporal logics and their robustness) and constrained control techniques (control barrier functions and funnel control). This will be followed by the main part of the course, which revolves around the design of robust feedback controllers for multi-agent systems under temporal logic specifications. The early registration deadline for the course is March 15, 2025. More details are found on the EECI website: ________________________________________ The new academic year of the Brussels Institute for Advanced Studies (BrIAS) is officially open. This year’s theme is very relevant for our community as it is AI, Robotics, and Automation for the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Over the next 4 months the BrIAS will host 17 senior fellows from all over the world, each of which staying in Brussels for a minimum of one month and many of which from our research community (for a list: ) You are all very welcome to come and meet them by participating in the activities of BrIAS in particular:
The first two seminars took already place, one by Antonella Ferrara on Traffic control, the other by Rudolphe Sepulchre on Regulation without calibration, for more details: just register ( to the various events on the BrIAS website so that some food can also be prepared for you! ______________________________________ European Control Conference 2025 – More information can be found on Home – ECC25 |