A yearly four day Summer School lectured by (inter)national specialists in the field of systems and control
Each year disc organizes a 4-day summer school in which international specialists are invited to lecture on a particular research topic of current interest within the field of systems and control. The summer school is directed towards disc and international PhD students. Summer schools organized in the past are: “Learning, sensing and control with application to agriculture” (2024); “Security and Resiliency for Cyber-Physical Systems – foundations and recent advances” (2022); “Planning, Learning and Control for Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems” (2021); “When game Theory meets Systems and Control” (2019); “Machine learning for Control” (2018); “A Systems and Control Perspective on Privacy, Safety, and Security in large-scale Cyber-Physical Systems” (2017) and “A Systems and Control Perspective in Human-Robot-Environment Interaction” (2016).