Newsletter May 2017

Message from the DISC office

Dear all,

Welcome to the May edition of the DISC newsletter! For DISC the academic year is winding down. We have one more course starting, Automatic Verification and Synthesis of Complex Systems, and of course the Summer School is coming up but after that we will have a break. It was a good year for us, many of you signed up for the courses. The new course program is starting to take shape and we hope to share more about that with you in the next newsletter.

We welcome to new people and wish those that are defending their PhD in the coming month the best of luck!

Best regards,

Henk Nijmeijer,
scientific director

Martha Otte,
DISC secretariat

Upcoming DISC courses

In May the following DISC course will start:

Automatic Verification and Synthesis of Complex Systems
(M.Mazo and A.Abate)

Register via the DISC course platform or email

This Academic year the following courses are scheduled:

Linear Matrix Inequalities for Control
Computational Linear Algebra, A least squares perspective
Mathematical Models of Systems
Modeling and Control of Hybrid Systems
Nonlinear Control Systems
Design Methods for Control Systemss
Distributed Parameter Systems
Automatic Verification and Synthesis of Complex Systems


The courses are taught at cursus en vergadercentrum Domstad in Utrecht, location Koningsbergerstraat 9. For more information see their website.

DISC Summer School 2017

The invitation is aimed at research students, staff members, researchers and engineers engaged in the systems and control area. Distinguished speakers will each present a series of tutorial lectures.

Privacy, Safety, and Security in Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems

The increasing adoption of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and internet-of-things (IoT) introduces new control problems beyond the traditional tasks of stabilization and optimization. Some of the control challenges are related to the operation of future, highly interconnected CPS in a safety- or mission-critical environment, and to the protection of security and privacy where sensor and actuator data, and other control parameters are communicated in a networked CPS. Recent denial-of-service attacks to critical infrastructure and several accidents involving autonomous cars are some of the instances where new theoretical developments in the systems and control field are needed.

In this summer school program, we will present recent developments towards this endeavor and particular attention will be given to:

  • differential privacy concept in a control and networked systems context
  • analysis and design of resilient and secure control systems
  • safety control of CPS

The lectures contain both recent control theoretical development, as well as, applications.


The main program will consist of a number of international and national speakers. Keynote lectures will be given by:

  • Jerome Le Ny, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
  • Fabio Pasqualetti, University of California, USA
  • Rafael Wisniewski, Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Yiannis Papadopoulos, University of Hull, United Kingdom
  • Henrik Sandberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

and complemented by talks given by various DISC lecturers:

  • Manuel Mazo, Delft University of Technology, NL
  • Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani, Delft University of Technology, NL
  • Claudio de Persis, University of Groningen, NL


The registration fee, which includes full board and lodging, is

  •  950,- euro for DISC members (after May 1, 2017)
  • 1150,- euro for non-DISC members (after May 1, 2017)

For more information about the accommodation arrangements please refer to the website

The school is limited to 45 participants based on a first-come first-serve policy. The registration deadline is June 19, 2017 (Early bird deadline May 1, 2017).

You can register at the following website: Non DISC members can also send an email to: (Please mention your full name and university including address).

For further information, contact the DISC administrative office: Martha Otte ( or the organizers: Bayu Jayawardhana (; Ming Cao ( and Tamas Keviczky (

American MPC Summer School

First American Summer School on Model Predictive Control (MPC)
July 25, 2017 – July 28, 2017
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Registration opens May 1, 2017, closes May 14, 2017 or when the class is full

The summer school delivers a carefully crafted overview of the theoretical fundamentals of MPC, and it provides access to, and motivates the development of, freely-available and state-of-the-art numerical software for implementing the advanced MPC methods on difficult and challenging examples and industrial applications. The summer school also anticipates inclusion of class mini-projects that enable all attendees to present, and discuss, problems of direct interest to their research, and also to receive feedback from a set of instructors with valuable expertise in all areas of MPC research.

Additional information, including a detailed summer school schedule and registration information is available at the summer school website

Winter course 2017-2018

Participants Wintercourse 2016-2017

Participants Winter course 2016-2017

In 2017-2018 we would like to organize another Winter course and we hereby invite all staff members to send us their ideas for topics/speakers. The winter course generally takes three days and at this point we have tentatively planned the Winter course for early December 2017.

For more information about previous Winter courses please see:
If you have ideas or are interested in organizing a Winter course please email Martha Otte:

Henk Nijmeijer appointed as new Program Director Automotive Systems at TU/e

Prof. Henk Nijmeijer has been appointed as program director of the Graduate Program Automotive Systems. As of April 1, he will succeed prof. Maarten Steinbuch in this role.

The graduate program Automotive Systems at TU Eindhoven offers various opportunities for students and researchers that are interested in a multi-disciplinary, systems oriented approach to automotive engineering. Automotive Systems is part of the strategic research area Smart Mobility, and focuses on the challenges faced by the automotive industry today: a systems approach to problems relating to mobility and fuel-efficient automotive systems, including communication systems and electric driving. The main technological/scientific objective of the program is to deliver solutions for clean, safe and sustainable smart mobility.

New people

Eindhoven University of Technology

 I received M.Sc. degree in Aerospace Engineering from University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (2014). I worked as an aerospace engineer in  Iranian Satellite Research Center .I have shown my talent in this field by achieving the best grades and publishing several papers and patent. Being highly interested in expanding my knowledge in the field of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), I also worked on UAV during my master studies in parallel. We participated in UAV and also in international CanSat competitions in 2013 and 2012, respectively, where I had the opportunity of being the team leader in both events. During my master studies, I got a remarkable experience in the field of Space flight dynamic science and its optimal performance. I conducted my master thesis in “Identification of space environment and analysis of aerodynamic forces and coefficient that affecting the motion of the sample satellite”.

I started in April with a PhD in the field of Autopilot project (Autonomous car). The Autopilot project aims to develop methods for constructing and maintaining world models for autonomous cars. Information and knowledge from sensor data, models and IoT will be fused by probabilistic and model-based data-association and tracking methods in a multi-model setting. The developed methods will be validated in the real world via on-campus experiments with autonomous cars.

Hi! My name is Giulio and I have recently joined the TU/e’s Control Systems group as a post doc to work in Paul Van den Hof’s ERC project SYSDYNET. I obtained my PhD in Information Engineering from the University of Padova in 2013. After the Phd, I spent three years (2013-2016) as a post doc at the Automatic Control Lab of KTH (Sweden), and one year (2016-2017) as a post doc at ESAT, KU Leuven (Belgium), working in the Stadius research center. I was a visiting Phd student at the Australian National University for a six-month period (2011-2012), and a visiting fellow at the same university (2013). In 2015, I spent a one-month visit at the CSPLab of the University of Melbourne (Australia). My research interests are primarily in the fields of system identification and machine learning.


PhD defenses

Candidate: M. Siraj
Group: Control Systems group
Thesis: Reducing the effect of uncertainty in robust optimization for oil recovery
Promotor: P.M.J. Van den Hof
Date: 10 mei 2017
Location: TU/e – Auditorium, collegezaal 5
Time: 16.00 uur

Candidate:  M.A. Temiz
Group:        Dynamics & Control
Thesis:        Passive Noise Control by Means of Micro-Perforated Plates: Developing Tools for an Optimal Design
Promotor: I. Lopez Arteaga
Date:          May 18, 2017
Location:   TU/e, Auditorium 5
Time:          4 pm

Candidate:   M. Dorosti
Group:         Dynamics & Control
Thesis:         Reduced-order Model Updating for Prediction of Performance Variables in Mechanical Structures
Promotor:     Prof.dr. H. Nijmeijer
Date:            June 14, 2017
Location:      TU/e, Auditorium 4
Time:            4 pm

Next issue of the newsletter

The next issue of this Newsletter will appear in June 2017.
We encourage contributors to provide newsworthy information. In principle, we intend to publish any message offered. However, we reserve the right to edit certain parts of a submission.
Please send your contributions to: