
13/16 Jun
ECC 2023
27/30 Jun
DISC Summer School 2022
28 Mar / 25 Apr
DISC course Analysis and Control of differential-algebraic systems
10/11 Mar
Winter Course 2022 “Data Learning & Dynamics at the Intersection of Neuroscience and Control”
5/7 Jul
Benelux Meeting 2022
17 Apr / 15 May
2023 – DISC course Design Methods for Control Systems
2/23 May
DISC course Modelling and Control of Hybrid Systems
28 Mar / 25 Apr
DISC course Modeling and Control of Flexible and Soft Robots
23 Jan / 20 Mar
2023 – DISC course Nonlinear Control Systems
23 Jan / 20 Mar
2023 – DISC course Mathematical Models of Systems