
15 Jul / 30 Jun
DISC course overview 2024-2025
25/28 Jun
ECC 2024
16/19 Dec
CDC 2024
16/21 Jun
(2024) DISC-PE&RC Summer School “Learning, sensing and control with application to agriculture”
22 Apr / 27 May
2024 – DISC course Model Reduction for Control Systems
15 Jan / 18 Mar
2024 – Nonlinear Control Systems
15 Jan / 25 Mar
2024 – DISC course Mathematical Models of Systems
22 Apr / 27 May
2024 – DISC course Model Predictive Control – registration closed
16 Oct / 6 Nov
2023 – DISC course Learning and Adaptive Control
13 Nov / 4 Dec
2023 – DISC course System Identification