Newsletter March 2018

Message from the DISC Office

Dear DISC member,

With best regards,

Henk Nijmeijer,
Scientific director

Martha Otte,
DISC secretariat

Upcoming DISC courses

In April 2018 the following DISC courses will start:

Design Methods for Control Systems
M. Steinbuch
G. Meinsma

System Identification
P. Van den Hof
J. Schoukens
G. Bottegal
X. Bombois

This academic year the following courses are scheduled:

Design Methods for Control Systems(starts April)
System Identification(starts April)
Multi-agent Network Dynamics and Games(now running)
Mathematical Models of Systems (now running)
Nonlinear Control Systems(finished)
Linear Matrix Inequalities in Control (finished)
Adaptive Control (finished)
Model reduction for Control, from Linear to Nonlinear Systems (finished)


The courses are taught at cursus en vergadercentrum Domstad in Utrecht, location Koningsbergerstraat 9. For more information see their website.

37th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control

The Organizing Committee has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the

37th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control

to be held in “Kontakt der Kontinenten”, Soesterberg, The Netherlands, on March 27 – 29, 2018.

The aim of this meeting is to promote research activities and cooperation between researchers in Systems and Control. It is the thirty-seventh in a series of annual conferences that are held alternately in Belgium and The Netherlands. The Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control is an important yearly event where academics and PhD students from The Netherlands and Belgium meet each other both scientifically and socially. Additionally, the Benelux Meetings serve as a training platform for PhD students to present and discuss their work in an -informal- international setting. The meeting takes place under the auspices of the Dutch Institute of Systems and Control (DISC).


Invited speakers

Professor Dongheui Lee, Technical University of Munich, Germany will lecture on “Robot learning through physical interaction and human guidance”.




Dr. Tamas Keviczky, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands will lecture on the topic of “Distributed optimization in model predictive control and smart grid energy systems”.


In addition, there will be a Minicourse by Professor Murat Arcak, Berkeley University California, USA on “Networks of Dissipative Systems: Compositional Certification of Stability, Performance, and Safety”.

Important dates

Abstract submission opens                            December 1, 2017
Registration opens                                        January 8, 2018
Deadline abstract submission                    January 22, 2018
Notification of acceptance                             February 5, 2018
Deadline final abstract submission                 February 19, 2018
Deadline early registration                        February 7, 2018
Conference program and BOA ready              March 15, 2018

We hope to welcome you at the 37th Benelux Meeting of Systems and Control!

DISC Summer School 2018 on Machine learning for Control

The organisers of the Summer School 2018 are Robert Babuska (TUD), Jens Kober (TUD) and Roland Toth (TUe). The subject will be “Machine learning for Control” and the Summer School will take place from June 18-21, 2018.

The summer school covers the basic as well as more advanced concepts of machine learning techniques commonly used in modelling, control and estimation problems. Topics include Gaussian processes, deep learning, state representation learning, self-supervised learning, and reinforcement learning.

Confirmed speakers:

Prof. dr. Wolfram Burgard (University of Freiburg)

Prof. Gerhard Neumann (University of Lincoln)

Prof. dr. Melanie Zeilinger (ETH Zurich)

Dr. Guido de Croon (TU Delft)

Dr. Jens Kober (TU Delft)

Dr. Roland Toth (TU Eindhoven)

Keep an eye on the website. Registration will open in week 11!

David Abbink named full professor of Haptic Human-Robot Interaction

Shuai Yuan (TUD-DCSC) is 2018 Travel Award Winner

5th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems

The 5th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems ( will take place on October 30 – November 1 2018 in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
We invite you to submit papers and invited session proposals. The submission deadline is April, 15, 2018.

This conference is related to analysis and control of chaotic systems.It provides a forum for the presentation of new developments in the important interdisciplinary field of chaos control, synchronization and complex networks. The research activity in this field is driven by the needs of different application domains such as: biology (brain dynamics, heart beating, etc.), physics (optics, magnetics, fluid dynamics, etc.), mechanics, smart industry, engineering (non-linear dynamics of electronic and power electronic systems, chaos encrypted signals, walking robots, etc.), economics (critical decision, etc.), chemical engineering, and so on. The aim of the conference is to provide the communities of control engineering, physics, economics, biology, fluid dynamics, power electronics, electronic circuits, etc. with an opportunity to exchange information and new ideas and to discuss new developments in the field of chaos control and synchronization.  Both theory and applications will be discussed.

Confirmed plenary speakers: M. Cao, T. Iwasaki, R. Sepulchre.

SOCN Graduate School

Cyber-Physical Systems control : Algebraic and optimization techniques
Date: March 12-13 and March 15|
Speaker: Prof. Raphaël Jungers
Location: UCL
All information at the link :

Workshop on Symmetry, Integer Linear Programming, Enumeration Algorithms and Design of Experiments
Date: Thursday March 22, starting at 13.00
Location: KU Leuven
Speakers: Jeffrey T. Linderoth, Peter Goos, Eric Schoen, José Núnez Ares
More info and free registration at

New people

Wageningen University and Reseach

Kandemir, HakanName: M. Hakan Kandemir
Starting Date: 01-09-2016
Function: PhD student
Group: Agrotechnology and Food Sciences Group
Supervisors/Promotors: R. Martijn Wagterveld, Doekle Yntema, Karel J. Keesman
Project: Selective particle separation in suspensions using acoustics

Hello, I am M. Hakan Kandemir. I obtained my MS and BS degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Middle East Technical University in Turkey. Title of my MS dissertation was “Design and implementation of an annular acoustic levitation system”, which is possible by combination of mechanical vibrations and acoustics. I also started a PhD there, but after 2 years I joined Wetsus and Wageningen University and Research (WUR).

My PhD project title at Biobased Chemistry and Technology, WUR, is “Selective particle separation in suspensions using acoustics”. By applying a sound field to a given mixture, I aim to keep the type of particles we want to keep and remove others. I will set the excitation parameters in such a way that it is possible to affect only targeted particles. Besides, I also work on some computational methods which will bring new insights into particle separation applications.

Delft University of Technology

PhD defences March

University of Groningen

Candidate: Oleksandr Ivanov
Group: RUG-JBI
Thesis: Mathematical Modeling of Senescence in Metabolic Networks
Promotor: F.J. Weissing, A.J. van der Schaft
Date: 05-03-2018
Location: Academiegebouw Groningen
Time: 14.30

Next issue of the newsletter

The next issue of this Newsletter will appear in April 2018.
We encourage the contributors to provide newsworthy information. In principle, we intend to publish any message offered. However, we reserve the right to edit certain parts of a submission.
Please send your contributions to: